Monday, 31 May 2010

Team Atlantis Just Got Even Better!

I knew as soon as I joined Team Atlantis I had a chosen the best team in the biz. The admin is superb, the member's are brilliant and you see the Team advertised everywhere!

If you're not familiar with Team Atlantis, it's a team builder for Traffic Wave. Traffic Wave is a brilliant autoresponder with lots of great tools to help you market online. It also has a fantastic affiliate scheme, which Team Atlantis will build for you. Team Atlantis guarantees all active members of the Team 10 sign ups at Traffic Wave, earning you an awful lot of extra money, every month!

But Team Atlantis just got even better! The admin is always coming up with new ideas to make the team even more brilliant and today she came up with an absolutely superb idea! Now, you won't have to wait for everyone above you to get their 10 sign ups. Nope, not any more, now YOUR turn will come much sooner!

There is now multiple "steps" for receiving your 10 sign ups. The first step is receiving 3 sign ups, then, when you have those, you're in line to getting another 2, then another 5! Then, and this is the best bit, if (though it's rare) any of your signups have dropped out, you can make them up now! Ensuring your get your full 10 traffic wave sign ups and your residual income online!

What do I have to do? You may be asking this, but really, there's nothing to it. To receive your 10 sign ups all you need to do is join Traffic Wave here, upgrade your account and then help advertise the Team. That really is it!

You can find out more about Team Atlantis here.

Oh and did I mention, you can get a 30 day free trial at Traffic Wave? Though the sooner you upgrade the sooner you'll be getting those sign ups!

Now, with this hot news, just off the press (well email), people will be flocking to the Team and joining up! Make sure you get there before them by signing up now!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

A brand new way to advertise!

There is an awesome new traffic exchange that has just launched.

It’s called Sweeva and it’s already very popular. You can take a look at the site here.

The best thing about it is that you can write comments on people’s sites and earn points. More points mean more credits and there’s lots of rewards you can earn from too.

It’s also a great way to get some feedback on your own sites and find out what people like and don’t like in a splash page.

It makes branding very easy too, as members not only see you when they view your site, you can also get your name out there by providing helpful comments on the sites you view!

It truly is an awesome new way to surf and is great fun! I really recommend checking it out now.

Take your advertising to a whole new level with Sweeva!.